The Desire to Get Laid
I had a need to get laid and Hookup At Ultra. Well…need might be too strong of a word. How about I had a very strong desire to get laid – I think that sounds better. With where I live in Texas, it’s difficult for me to accomplish this because everyone fits into an already created stereotypical box. In addition, almost everyone is already married, and those who aren’t married are either way too old (which does not sound attractive) or way too young (which just sounds creepy). Once someone turns 18, they typically end up leaving this sometimes barren land for more fruitful places.
Staying in Texas
Except me – I have stayed here so I could help learn how to take care of my dad’s machinery repair business. Although college seemed like an ideal situation, I don’t do well with crowds or making new friends; my grades were decent enough to go to college, but the atmosphere seemed like it would be a place where I would freeze up. I know this because it has happened before.
The Senior Year Party
At our Senior Year party, which took place in Farmer Glen’s barn, there were all forms of debauchery taking place. Beer was flowing out of the kegs, the girls had on tight shirts, and some had on skin-tight shorts that were no longer than a post-it note – definitely not up to school code. The guys were breathing heavily and deeply – and there I was, in the corner, where no one really noticed me, and I didn’t really do anything to go out of my way to talk to any of the girls, even though I had known most of them my entire life.
Missing Opportunities
The only one who was eyeing me was Jennifer, but she had slept with practically every guy in school, and, I know this sounds weird, but I wanted to be with someone who has not slept with every guy she has ever met. Not a virgin, because I really didn’t know what I was doing, but with a girl who had some experience and could help me figure some things out. Therefore, Jennifer was out of the question. Besides, I wasn’t confident enough to walk up to a girl anyway and ask her if she wanted to have sex.
Realizations After School
As time went on after leaving school, I realized that I missed that opportunity. As I have spent more time alone, working on the equipment inside my dad’s shop, I’ve realized that I have lived a very sheltered life. There are so many things within the world I can experience that I don’t even know what it is that I am missing. Not only that, but my desire to get laid has started making me more and more confident in myself, as I really want to scratch this itch and officially turn from being a boy into a man.
Graduation Gift
For my graduation, I was given a voucher for a free return ticket to anywhere in the world from my Aunt, who works at a US airline. She said that this should help me get to anywhere I want to be. Every day, I ponder the destination I should explore. Maybe I can go to France or Spain, where I can visit nude beaches and explore the nether regions of each country. Maybe I should go up to the Netherlands and have a hair-raising experience at one of their famous coffee shops. Possibly, I can go to Australia, where I would look forward to going down under with a few of the locals.
Fantasies and Fears
All of those places sound like a fantasy, and I’m afraid if I go, that I’ll end up just staying in my hotel, ordering food service, and dreaming about what is going on even right outside my window. Although I have become more confident in myself, I’m not sure I will take the next steps unless I fall completely off the ledge.
Searching for an Event
During the nighttime, I was scouring the internet, searching for an event that would push me outside of my own personal boundary and would force me to come out of my own shell once and for all. Somewhere that I can be anyone I want to be, while also not being afraid that this news will come back home. Somewhere that would give me a chance to survey the landscape and be able to choose from a wide variety of women that I could get laid with, knowing there would be no long-term commitments or repercussions.
Finding Ultra Singapore
After a few nights of looking at different events and places, I finally found the place I wanted to visit and have my explorations – Ultra Singapore. I wanted to find a Hookup at Ultra Singapore. Ultra Singapore is a music festival that promises its participants that they will party harder here than at any other musical event in their country. Taking the Electronic Dance Movement to heights it has never gone before, this is a two-day event packed with high-energy acts and promises to create an electric atmosphere, which will get your body moving in ways you never thought possible.
Preparing for the Trip
Luckily, my internet traffic was never monitored, so I didn’t have to be concerned about having anyone know my true intentions with Singapore. The tickets were sold out, but I was desperate to go, so I found a ticket online that someone was selling for way above actual cost, but I was hoping it would be worth it. Using the money from my graduation, I bought that, plus using my flight voucher, I got the round ticket to Singapore. I let my dad know that I was planning on using the trip my Aunt provided for me to go to Singapore, and so I would be gone for about a week.
Last Minute Preparations
He grumbled some about not giving sufficient notice at the workshop but told me to go enjoy the time, and he’d look forward to me coming back. He also told me not to go do anything stupid like take drugs or anything, which I was not planning on doing anyway knowing the laws in Singapore. I didn’t tell him I planned on getting laid, however – not sure he would classify that as being stupid or not, so I thought his ignorance would be bliss. But, I had some planning to do for my Hookup at Ultra Singapore.

Buying Essentials
I knew I had to buy condoms, but there was no way I could buy them in the town I’m in, as word would spread like weeds that I had bought some. So, I decided I would buy some at the airport. I also had to buy some new clothes, as I was not wearing the hick clothes I had to Singapore. I also needed a new suitcase. Because of all of this, I decided to leave an extra day early for the airport so I could purchase everything I needed to be ready for Singapore.
Anticipation and Dreams
The night before my trip, while at the hotel after I bought everything I needed for the trip, I was dreaming about what could be and wondering what I really had got myself into with this trip. However, I had already spent a majority of my money, so I had no choice but to go through and see what happens.
At the Airport
At the airport the next morning, I got to the gate super early and set up at a chair next to a window to make sure I would not be late boarding. I had a connection into LA, and I was amazed by how many people were in business suits and already working. I realized this might really be my one chance to have an adventure before the realities of my grown-up life truly set in. I wondered how many of them took the time to take a trip to a city they have never been before to participate in an event of this magnitude.
Determined to Experience
How many of the people that I went to school with would end up looking like this?
Where their biggest adventure is what happened in Farmer Glen’s barn a couple of years ago; that was not going to be my story, and I was even more determined to get a Hookup at Ultra Singapore.
Flight to LA
The flight to LA was quite easy. Once I disembarked from the plane, I had a quick layover until my next flight. I had no idea where I was going, but I found my flight on the huge monitor they had and raced down towards the gate. I had to take a quick break at the restroom and then dashed to the ticket agent, and I made it with a few minutes to spare. When I got onto the plane, there wasn’t anyone in my row, so I ended up taking the middle seat thinking that perhaps I would have a nice sleep on the plane if no one else sat down.
Meeting a Gorgeous Blonde
At the last minute, this gorgeous blonde woman walked onto the plane. She was eyeing the rows and landed on the one I was in. I promptly moved over to the window seat, as she sat in the aisle seat, leaving the middle seat open.

The Sigh and the Smile
She let out a big sigh, looked over at me, and smiled, then took out a magazine. I’m not sure if it is because of how much I desired to get laid, my own insecurities creeping in, or what, but I had a hard time keeping my penis in check and not getting large with just her sitting near me. I was mortified, as I could not even force myself to talk.
There’s nothing more horrifying or awkward than a random erection, especially on an airplane with a beautiful girl sitting next to you. This didn’t give me much confidence that I would accomplish my goal at Ultra Singapore if I got this easily aroused by a gorgeous woman smiling at me.
The Long Flight
The flight was long, and I fell asleep pretty quickly, hoping I didn’t make a fool of myself next to the gorgeous woman by either snoring or drooling on myself. We landed in Hong Kong and had another connection to make it to Singapore. The gorgeous woman was also on that flight, but luckily (or unluckily) for me, not in my row this time. We arrived in Singapore, and the city was a sight to behold. The architecture was something I had only seen in books, and pictures couldn’t fully describe the magnificence. I spent a couple of days looking at all the amazing buildings and trying new delicacies. It was phenomenal.
Preparing for Ultra
I still had some trepidation about going out at night. I stayed out until dark on the first night and until 11 pm on the second night. But, the nightlife was not why I came to Singapore; Ultra was starting the next day, and I needed to get myself ready for that. As the night turned to dawn and then to afternoon, I slowly got myself ready. I made sure to lather up on the soap in the shower, ensuring my guy was alive and ready for some possible action. I dressed in the new clothes I bought, hoping they were not too outlandish but that I wouldn’t stick out like a loser either.
Hookup At Ultra
I made sure my pockets had cash and a place for a couple of condoms – I had tested a couple out the night before, so I would know how they went on. That was a sensation I hadn’t felt before, and I couldn’t wait to feel it again. Once I checked myself out in the mirror, I smirked, knowing full well I had no idea how this night would turn out. Walking towards the Ultra event, I saw an enormous line forming. I surveyed the field and noticed men and women dressed in all different kinds of eclectic clothes.
Embracing the Experience
After a few minutes of wondering if I was making a ginormous mistake, I realized they were all there having fun and being themselves, without caring what anyone else thought. I was the only one feeling self-conscious. I realized I just needed to relax; the music was getting ready to start, and I needed to gather the answer to the question – do I have enough stamina to last through two days of partying (and more)?
The First Night at Ultra
Words can’t fully explain how that first night went. I was so far out of my comfort zone it was unbelievable, but it made it easier for me to be free of the chains that had shackled me my entire life. It was an incredible feeling being part of the 11,000+ people dancing to music I didn’t fully understand, with moves I never thought possible. The energy within this arena was like nothing I had ever experienced.
It made the things that happened in Farmer Glen’s barn seem basic and mundane. Those people who consider that their highlight missed out on what an experience of a lifetime something like this is. For the first time, I felt sorry for them.
Gaining Confidence
Within the group of people you are dancing with, you just move around and start dancing with someone you bump into. I grinded with more women in one hour than were in my entire graduating class – or even our little town. My hands started moving over the bodies of those women, and as I heard them moan, I continued moving my hands in those areas of their bodies. Whether it was their exposed stomachs or moving my hands up their torsos, following their curves and taking my hands up their fully outstretched arms.
Becoming Part of the Group
When they turned to face me, I put my hand along the back curve of their spines, down to their asses, and raised their legs up as I dipped them backward. Or I would follow them down when they put their butts to my groin and press myself up against them as hard as I could. There was no rhyme or reason to who I was dancing with, and the women didn’t care who you were – they were just letting go and being totally free.
It was a surreal feeling; instead of being left out because you were alone, this group insisted on inviting you into their groups and welcomed you because you were alone – if that makes sense.
Exhaustion and Determination
After the first day of Ultra, I was exhausted! I wondered how I was still functioning after sweating so much my clothes were dripping early on. But I wasn’t going to rest; this experience was too enthralling to stop – I couldn’t have even if my body tried to tell me to. My mind was exhilarated, and I was clearly going on just adrenaline. Finally, the music stopped – it was already daylight, and I wearily made it back to my hotel and collapsed in bed – without yet getting laid.
Day Two at Ultra
The next afternoon, I woke up, got out of my sticky, sweat-filled clothes, and took a shower. Then I ate more food than I ever have in my life and got geared up for night two. I got to the venue and started my night by dancing at one stage, then moved to the secondary stage. The atmosphere was even more cranked up on the second night, which I thought was impossible. There was a sense that this experience would be ending, and I wanted to soak in every possible sensuous moment – I have never felt more alive.
Meeting the Devious Eyes
This feeling was driven home when I bumped into a woman with the most devious eyes I had ever seen. We met towards the last hour of Ultra festival, and once we did, our bodies never left each other. I used my hands to touch almost every part of her body – it was almost X-rated – and her hands dug into me deeper than anyone else ever had. She used her mouth in ways on me that caused me to shiver, and I held her as tightly as I could.
We ended up leaving a few minutes before the music stopped, where I took her back to my hotel, and as soon as we walked in the door, I ripped her clothes off.
Fulfillment at Ultra
She smirked at me and gently took my clothes off, using her soft hands to touch every part of me. We eventually made it into bed, where I remembered to put my condom on and pumped her full of pleasure. She helped guide me on a couple of things until I began to hear her moan, which made me more erect and turned on.
We had a day filled with lust, and she showed me many positions I had never even contemplated. I even took her from behind, pulling her hair, and hearing her groan uncontrollably made me even harder. I got my Hookup at Ultra Singapore.
The Next Morning
As morning became early evening, I was completely worn out and collapsed on the bed, falling into a deep sleep. When I woke the next morning, as I rolled over, she had vanished. I thought maybe I had just dreamt that whole experience, but then I looked over and saw her handwritten note.
She told me I wasn’t bad for a first-timer and hoped that what she showed me would make the next woman moan even louder. No name was on the card – no address – I’m not sure we even spoke ten words to each other not relating to sex during the entire experience. But I would always remember her as Ultra.
Returning Home
I spent the entire day in bed, recovering from the whole experience at Ultra. The next day, it was time to head back home, and I wasn’t sure how I would be able to walk back into the life I left. I had changed in so many ways just in six days. I think I have outgrown my expectations for life while also not knowing for the first time what my life will look like.
I decided not to go back home quite yet, but I wasn’t sure where I should head to. I didn’t want my confidence to wane because of the environment I was in, but rather, I wanted it to be stimulated consistently, and I wasn’t going to get that going back to my hometown.
The Return Flight
I made it to the airport and boarded my airplane just fine. We had a connection, then we headed back to LA. As I was sitting there, staring through the window, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same gorgeous blonde who was on the trip out to Singapore on the return flight heading back to LA. Now on the longer flight to LA, we were back in the same row. I remembered what I read in the note from Ultra and smirked to myself. I think it’s time for me to take another adventure.
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